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Terms Of Use

Terms of Use

Interacting with players through the Server involves interacting with their content (“Content”), such as usernames and in-game creations. We, the providers of access to the Server, are in no way responsible for the Content you encounter or interact with during your gametime on the Server. The existence of Content on the Server does not presuppose our endorsement of said Content, which expresses the views of its creator only.

When interacting with other users through the Server or any Platforms, you agree not to post any hateful, abusive, threatening, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, copyright-infringing, unlawful or illegal content.

All Content is subject to being reviewed by the Server and/or Platform staff members, including being sent to a third-party verification service, such as a spam prevention assessor. You are hereby warned that no Content can be considered confidential or private at any time and should refrain from sharing any sensitive information through the Server or the Platforms.

At any time, for any reason, we may modify or remove any Content with no prior warning or consequent explanation. If we receive any requests to modify or remove any Content, they will be considered and undertaken only when and as we see fit. Any account on the Server or Platforms can be actioned against at any time.

We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We reserve the right to take action against any account with the Service at any time.

By creating an account and accessing the Server and/or the Platforms, you provide us with an unlimited, irrevocable, non-exclusive and permanent license to publish, re-publish and otherwise use your Content in connection with serving other users on the Server and the Platforms. However, you still retain ownership and full copyright of your Content.

These terms are liable to change without any prior notice. If you disagree with the terms outlined herein, please refrain from using the Server or the Platforms and contact us to close your account.


On this page you can find out our policies related to the use of cookies. In summary, our policy on cookie use is that, by using this website, you are consenting to how we use cookies.

Cookies are small text-only files that get stored on your computer through your web browser as you’re visiting a website. Cookies allow the website to identify you as a previous visitor and remember some actions you did, such as whether you are logged in or whether you visited a certain link.

Each website can only access the cookies it has set. This is the case for our website as well.

Cookies may persist on your machine for a couple minutes, hours, weeks or even years depending on your privacy settings.

Cookies on our website are used for things such as:

• Maintaining your preferences after you’re logged in (such as your chosen language, region, etc.)

• Analysis of user behavior (such as which pages are the most and which the least visited etc.)

• Advertising and third-party advertising (determining who has seen an ad, if the ad was clicked etc.)

• Social media presence and sharing (Facebook, Twitter etc.) that we have no control over

• Regular operation of our website

• Allowing you to interact with embedded content, such as subscribing to Youtube channels without leaving our website

If you wish to remove to disable, block or remove some or all cookies, you can do this through your web browser. Keep in mind that doing so is liable to break some or all functionality on our website.

For more information on cookies, please visit https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/online/cookies/.